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What's happening to our young??

This next blog is one that I have been overthinking for days. After several pages of scribble I have finally summed up the courage to publish my blog. It is one for parents, for teachers, any person who suspects that a young person is suffering, do something. Let the parent's of the young person know, let schools know, if you are a parent, friend, or directly involved in that young persons life, reach out it can mean the difference between life and death.

A week ago I published a blog "A day with teens". I was so touched by their honesty.

1 in 3 youths experience some form of bullying. I personally feel as a parent, that I have a responsibility to voice how wrong this is on so many levels, firstly to the young person who is living this ordeal, their family, and to those who suffer in silence.

Truth be told, the young person today shoulder heavy baggage, there are developmental factors, (how well they adjust to those changes), situational factors like , not making the final, divorce, failure of valued relationship and bullying.

On top of that , pressure to readjust, heightened emotions and define their place in the world.

It's a hell of a lot to digest as a parent and even more so for the young person.

It has been said that knowledge is power and a far better option than ignorance. I feel that's questionable on so many levels . Firstly we are being bombarded by extremists , the media, peer pressure, us, teachers need I go on?

I too would prefer the virtual world, drugs and alcohol !

The Internet, mass electronic media, premature sexualisation, internet bullying are some of the culprits which have resulted in tragic outcomes .



I cant imagine a household without an iPad, or several .

It's become part of our culture. It's universal purpose makes it a must have accessory.

For families with younger children it can mean half an hour of peace and quiet, for some it is a means to harass & exploit, Instagram, Twitter, My Space are just a few, it's purpose to catch up on the latest happenings, events, and keep in contact with friends.

While all this is meant to be a fun tool, and a means to stay in touch with friends, it is being used to cyber bully, post embarrassing pics, comments etc.

In our "always on" digital world it's frightening to think how damaging the effects are to the victim, it's a constant attack.

Oversharing pics, personal information, can be seen by all, below is a snip it of what goes on, and that's a G rating.

Take a moment to let this sink in . How can this be happening ?
Take a moment to let this sink in . How can this be happening ?

Take a moment to let this sink in . How can this be happening ?

Take a look . On Twitter the image of a young person reaching out. This is what's happening 😢

Take a look . On Twitter the image of a young person reaching out. This is what's happening 😢

As a parent I feel compelled to intervene, if it can make a difference in a young persons life why not? It's my obligation, and like a chain letter that circulates I would love you all to share my blog to friends, and have them share it.

Lets see if in some small way we can make a difference .

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